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java computing

Welcome to java mvp - 01 read datas from file

2020-04-22 - Kovacs J Giulia

welcome to java MVP - 01 read datas from file

Simple sample in netbeans ide

The MVP design pattern

Model View Presenter, or MVP, is a user interface design pattern which enables separation of the user interface from its presentation logic.
The MVP structure simplifies the project life cycle.
the long-term benefits of using this pattern will:

The presenter: aControl package

The presenter receives all events from the view layer. It processes the requests and sends the response and updates back to the view.


        package aControl;

        import aConsole.OutputConsole;
        import aData.ReadFromFile;
        import java.util.ArrayList;
        import java.util.List;

        public class Presenter {

            private static final String DATA_FILE = "/aData/datas.txt";
            private static final ReadFromFile READ = new ReadFromFile();
            private static final OutputConsole OUT = new OutputConsole();
            private static List<String> datalines;

             * @param args the command line arguments
            public static void main(String[] args) {
                datalines = new ArrayList<>();
                datalines = READ.dataLines(Presenter.DATA_FILE);
                OUT.writeln("> datas.txt has " + datalines.size() + " lines.");

The model: aData package

The model represents the business objects and logic for the data that is being manipulated. Any validation, computing, or data retrieving implements the presenter on the model.


        package aData;

        import java.util.ArrayList;
        import java.util.List;
        import java.util.Scanner;

        public class ReadFromFile {

            private final List<String> LINES;
            private final String CODE_PAGE = "UTF-8";

            public ReadFromFile() {
                LINES = new ArrayList<>();

            public List<String> dataLines(String url) {
                try (InputStream ins = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(url);
                        Scanner in = new Scanner(ins, CODE_PAGE)) {
                    while (in.hasNext()) {
                } catch (IOException ex) {
                    System.out.println("> Error: " + ex.getMessage());
                return LINES;

File: datas.txt

    Year      Date/Time of Perihelion   Distance     Relative to Mean Per.    Date/Time of Aphelion   Distance     Relative to Mean Ap.    Perihelion Interval
    2001     Jan 04  08:52   0.9832860 AU    -582 km      Jul 04  13:37   1.0166426 AU  -10122 km     367.15 days
    2002     Jan 02  14:09   0.9832898 AU     -20 km      Jul 06  03:47   1.0166882 AU   -3304 km     363.22 days
    2003     Jan 04  05:02   0.9833204 AU    4556 km      Jul 04  05:40   1.0167282 AU    2683 km     366.62 days
    2004     Jan 04  17:42   0.9832648 AU   -3752 km      Jul 05  10:54   1.0166937 AU   -2485 km     365.53 days
    2005     Jan 02  00:35   0.9832968 AU    1032 km      Jul 05  04:58   1.0167416 AU    4683 km     363.29 days
    2006     Jan 04  15:30   0.9833270 AU    5543 km      Jul 03  23:10   1.0166973 AU   -1949 km     367.62 days
    2007     Jan 03  19:43   0.9832602 AU   -4449 km      Jul 06  23:53   1.0167059 AU    -649 km     364.18 days
    2008     Jan 02  23:51   0.9832801 AU   -1476 km      Jul 04  07:41   1.0167535 AU    6465 km     364.17 days
    2009     Jan 04  15:30   0.9832730 AU   -2526 km      Jul 04  01:40   1.0166664 AU   -6563 km     367.65 days
    2010     Jan 03  00:09   0.9832897 AU     -38 km      Jul 06  11:30   1.0167020 AU   -1246 km     363.36 days

The view: aConsole package

This is the user interface layer which is responsible for displaying data to the user and raising user events to the presenter layer.


        package aConsole;

        public class OutputConsole {

            public OutputConsole() {

            public void write(String str) {

            public void writeln(String str) {

Application structure

    ┠─ samples ┒
               ┠─ readDatasFromFile ┒
                                    ┠─ aConsole ──
                                    ┠─ aControl ──
                                    ┖─ aData    ┒ 
                                                ┖─ datas.txt ```

Commandline step by step:

Use the terminal on your computer. And make a root dir for your simple samples.

    mkdir samples
    cd samples

Make a dir for the first sample „readDatasFromFile”

    mkdir readDatasFromFile
    cd readDatasFromFile

Make a dirs for the structure of the project

    mkdir aControl
    mkdir aData
    mkdir aConsole

With your favorite text editor add the files into his directories:

Compile and run the project:

The JDK must be installed. The path to javac.exe in the environment variables must be set correctly.

Linux terminal commandline:

    $ cp -r src bin
    $ rm -v bin/*/*.java

    $ javac -d bin -sourcepath src src/aControl/
    $ echo "Main-Class: aControl.Presenter" > bin/manifest
    $ cd bin
    $ jar cfmv readDatasFromFile.jar manifest *

    $ java -jar readDatasFromFile.jar
    > datas.txt has 11 lines.

Windows 7 commandline:

(„root>” like „C:\Users\samplaes>” - the directory of java src)

    root>xcopy /E /I src bin
    root>del /S bin\*.java

    root>javac -d bin -sourcepath src src\aControl\
    root>echo Main-Class: aControl.Presenter > bin\manifest

    root>cd bin
    root>jar cfmv readDatasFromFile.jar manifest *

    root>java -jar readDatasFromFile.jar
    > datas.txt has 11 lines.


java computing