The magazine of the B6sicS SCHooL

includes in Jekyll's layouts

12 Apr 2020 - Kovacs J Giulia

The  include  tag allows you to include content from another file stored in an  _includes  folder. Includes are useful for having a single source for source code that repeats around the site or for improving the readability.
Navigation source code can get complex so sometimes it’s nice to move it into an include.

Jekyll supports loading data from YAML, JSON, and CSV files located in a  _data  directory. Data files are a great way to separate content from source code to make the site easier to maintain.
Create a data file for the navigation at  _data/mynavigation.yml  with the following:

        - name: Home
          link: /
        - name: About
          link: /about.html

Jekyll makes this data file available to you at . Instead of outputting each link in  _includes/mynavigation.html , you can iterate over the data file instead.
Create a file for the navigation at  _includes/mynavigation.html  with the following content:

<nav> ¤
  {% for item in %}
    <a href="{{s | relative_url }}" 
        {% if page.url == %}style="color: red;"{% endif %}>
      {{ }}
    </a> ¤
  {% endfor %}

Use the include tag to add the navigation to  _layouts/mydefault.html :

        layout: default
        <!doctype html>
            <meta charset="utf-8">
            <title>{{ page.title }}</title>
            {% include navigation.html %}
            {{ content }}

        K.i.s.s. & write:
        layout: default
        {% include navigation.html %}
        {{ content }}