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Github pages - design 01 (text headings)
This chapter contains copy / paste examples. These are snippets of code that can be used to develop the website.
Welcome to java mvp - 03 data table
Java array
Welcome to java mvp - 02 data preparation
Java String
Welcome to java mvp - 01 read datas from file
The MVP design pattern
Sun radiations at perihelion
Sun radiation
The radiations of black body
The black body
Consumption of circuit elements 2. advanced led circuit
The basic datas of cirquit
What do we mean by direction of electricity current
Electric current
Consumption of circuit elements 1. basic led circuit
The basic datas of cirquit
The perimeter of the earth's orbit
1. The Earth’s orbit
Calculating the number of molecules in the air
1. The atmosphere of Earth
Free website on github
GitHub Pages are public webpages. They are hosted and easily published through GitHub. You can use Github for free.
Calculating the number of molecules in water
Chemical formula of water
Use collections in jekyll
Add to
in the root the following lines:collections: # author collections, each author has their own page authors: output: true </li>
Jekyll's blogging
In true Jekyll style, blogging is powered by text files only.
Blog posts live in a folder called_posts
. The filename for posts have a special format: the publish date, then a title, followed by an extension. Sample post (_posts/
):--- layout: post author: emi --- A banana is an edible fruit. </li>
Use assets in jekyll
Inlining the styles used in_includes/mynavigation.html
is not a best practice, let’s style the current page with a class instead.
</p><nav> ¤ {
% for item in %} <a href="{{s | relative_url } }" {% if page.url == %}class="current"{% endif %}> {{ } } </a> ¤ {% endfor %} </nav>Includes in jekyll's layouts
tag allows you to include content from another file stored in an_includes
folder. Includes are useful for having a single source for source code that repeats around the site or for improving the readability.
Navigation source code can get complex so sometimes it’s nice to move it into an include.Jekyll supports loading data from YAML, JSON, and CSV files located in a
directory. Data files are a great way to separate content from source code to make the site easier to maintain.
Create a data file for the navigation at_data/mynavigation.yml
with the following:- name: Home link: / - name: About link: /about.html
Page layouts jekyll's blog
Layouts are templates that wrap around your content. They live in a directory called
in the root. These layouts would be override the Minima-theme layouts.
Create your first layout at_layouts/default.html
with the following content:--- layout: default # we get Minima's default ---
<!doctype html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>{{ page.title } }</title></head><body>{{ content } }</body></html></li>Use liquid in jekyll
Please refere Liquid and Front matter (
Insert in the
the yellow lines:Create blog with jekyll
Create a new repository
on the github.Create a root directory for the project on your local computer and use it:
Start with jekyll
First follow the Quickstart's instructions to install a full Ruby development environment, Jekyll and bundler gems. Then for the first time the Step by Step Tutorial is very useful.
The essence of the tutorial is described here in the following.
Emails: Keep emails to 5 sentences or less. It saves time for both you and the recipient. Being concise also helps you to be clearer and more direct, which will reduce miscommunication issues later on.
Listening: Take what people say at face value. There is no need to waste your energy wondering what their ulterior motive is, or if they are not telling the truth about things. Keep it simple and accept their truth.
Procrastination: If you are avoiding a particular task, you are just wasting your time, and possibly other people’s time too. Set a timer for 25 minutes and use that time to get the task done. If you haven’t finished within that time period, take a 5 minute break, and set the timer again and resume working toward completing the task. This is called the Pomodoro Technique. It really works.
Work/Life balance: No matter what work you do, create boundaries. When it’s work time, focus on your work. When it’s not work time, focus on your life. This is super simple, yet not everyone does it. You’ll find you are more productive in and out of work, have a better family life and feel happier.
Nutrition: Instead of agonizing over which diet you should choose to go on, simply ask yourself what the healthiest foods are to eat. You already know the answer. Stick to that.
Welcom to jekyll
You’ll find this post in your
directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to runjekyll serve
, which launches a web server and auto-regenerates your site when a file is updated.This post demonstrates markdown content styles
Some great heading (h2)